in my class, tumu hub we have started learning about easter. these are some facts. Sometimes it comes at the end of March; other years it happens in late april. In 2021, easter is on sunday 4 april. For it to come any later than it was in 2019 (21 april) you’ll have to wait until 2038. easter is always on the first sunday after the first full moon that follows the spring equinox. But this full moon is an ecclesiastical full moon (ecclesiastical means ‘of the Church’), and so wasn't calculated in quite the same way modern astronomers would.
On top of that, for the purpose of calculating easter, the spring equinox is always on 21 march.
So there you go – this year, the first full moon after the 21 March is Sunday 28 march, hence why easter is on Sunday 4 april. that was most of my learning about easter and i hope you enjoyed it.